
Download the latest version of the Twillio App . Unzip the download where you will find two folders.

Copy the perch_twillio folder into perch/addons/apps/

Add perch_twillio to your apps.php file.

Getting your Twilio credentials

When you next log into the Perch admin the Twillio install script will run behind the scenes to create the necessary tables. A new Twillio navigation item will appear in the administration menu.

Sign Up for Twilio

  1. Create an account on Twilio’s website.
  2. Verify your phone number.
  3. Get your Account SID and Auth Token from the Twilio Console.

In your perch/config/config.php file, add your Auth Token settings for Twilio .

define('PERCH_TWILLIO_AUTHTOKEN', "b9b26a...");

In the Setting page of your admin panel add in the Twilio section the From Number and the SID.


Twilio Sandbox: Initially, you might need to use the Twilio Sandbox to test sending messages.