Field Type

The Twitter add-on, as of version 3.3 includes a field type. This field type will let the content editor paste in a Tweet ID, or URL to a tweet from the Twitter website and display the tweet in templated form on your site.

To use the field type, set type="tweet" in your content templates.

<perch:content id="tweet" type="tweet" label="Tweet ID" encode="false">

The field type requires that you have the Twitter app installed on your site and have setup your site with the Twitter API as explained in the app installation instructions.


The default template is the same template tweet.html as used to display other tweets via the app. You can also pass in a custom template by specifying this in your template tag.

<perch:content id="tweet" type="tweet" label="Tweet ID" encode="false" template="twitter/my_template.html">

Remember that you need to ensure that you comply with the Twitter Display Requirements when displaying Tweets on your website.