The HTML class can be used for outputting bits of Perch user interface without needing to worry about what HTML or CSS to use. This makes it easy to have your app match the Perch UI.

$HTML = $API->get('HTML');

In use:

# Side panel
echo $HTML->side_panel_start();
echo $HTML->heading3('I am the sidebar');
echo $HTML->side_panel_end();

# Main panel
echo $HTML->main_panel_start();
echo $HTML->heading1('Sample');
echo $HTML->heading2('This is my app');
echo $HTML->main_panel_end();


The PerchAPI_HTML class exposes a number of methods.


Returns the HTML for the opening of the side panel down the right of the page.

echo $HTML->side_panel_start();
echo $HTML->side_panel_end();


Returns the HTML for the closing of the side panel down the right of the page.

echo $HTML->side_panel_start();
echo $HTML->side_panel_end();


Returns the HTML for the opening of the main content area of the page.

echo $HTML->main_panel_start();
echo $HTML->main_panel_end();


Returns the HTML for the closing of the main content area of the page.

echo $HTML->main_panel_start();
echo $HTML->main_panel_end();

PerchAPI_HTML::heading1(string $string)

Returns an HTML <h1> tag. The string is translated. Takes additional arguments in the style of printf, so if parts of the string should not be translated, use a marker and the pass the non-translated portion as an argument.

echo $HTML->heading1('My heading');
echo $HTML->heading1('My %sheading%s', '<span>', '</span>');

PerchAPI_HTML::heading2(string $string)

Returns an HTML <h2> tag. The string is translated. Takes additional arguments in the style of printf, so if parts of the string should not be translated, use a marker and the pass the non-translated portion as an argument.

echo $HTML->heading2('My heading');
echo $HTML->heading2('My %sheading%s', '<span>', '</span>');

PerchAPI_HTML::heading3(string $string)

Returns an HTML <h3> tag. The string is translated. Takes additional arguments in the style of printf, so if parts of the string should not be translated, use a marker and the pass the non-translated portion as an argument.

echo $HTML->heading3('My heading');
echo $HTML->heading3('My %sheading%s', '<span>', '</span>);

PerchAPI_HTML::heading4(string $string)

Returns an HTML <h4> tag. The string is translated. Takes additional arguments in the style of printf, so if parts of the string should not be translated, use a marker and the pass the non-translated portion as an argument.

echo $HTML->heading4('My heading');
echo $HTML->heading4('My %sheading%s', '<span>', '</span>');

PerchAPI_HTML::para(string $string)

Returns an HTML <p> tag. The string is translated. Takes additional arguments in the style of printf, so if parts of the string should not be translated, use a marker and the pass the non-translated portion as an argument.

echo $HTML->para('You may edit your options here.');
echo $HTML->para('You may %sedit your options%s here.', '<a href="../options">', '</a>);

PerchAPI_HTML::warning_message(string $string)

Returns the HTML for a warning message. The string is translated.

echo $HTML->warning_message('You have no content yet');

PerchAPI_HTML::success_message(string $string)

Returns the HTML for a success message. The string is translated.

echo $HTML->success_message('The item was successfully updated.');

PerchAPI_HTML::failure_message(string $string)

Returns the HTML for a failure message. The string is translated.

echo $HTML->failure_message('This item cannot be deleted.');

PerchAPI_HTML::encode(string $string, bool $escape_quotes)

Returns the HTML encoded version of the string

echo $HTML->encode('<script></script>');

When outputing into a quoted string (such as a tag attribute) you should use the second parameter to escape quotes:

echo '<div class="' . $HTML->encode($class_name, true) . '">';