
Display a single episode with function perch_podcasts_episode().



Type Description
String A unique show slug
Slug or Integer Either an episode number or an episode slug
Array Options array, see table below
Boolean Set to true to have the value returned instead of echoed.

Options array

Name Value
template String with the template filename from the perch/templates/podcasts folder.

Usage examples

Get a show identified by the QueyString parameter ‘s’ and an episode by ‘ep’. These usually will have been passed on the URL from a listing page. This will use the value of ?s= on the URL to find the show, and ep= to find the episode of that show.

<?php perch_podcasts_episode(perch_get('s'), perch_get('ep')); ?>

The function takes a standard options array as the third argument.

<?php perch_podcasts_episode(perch_get('s'), perch_get('ep'), array(
  'template' => 'my-template.html'
)); ?>

To return the value, pass true as the fourth argument.

<?php $html = perch_podcasts_episode(perch_get('s'), perch_get('ep'), array(), true); ?>