
Collections are big repositories that hold one type of content. You might have a collection of Articles and a collection of Authors. You can then create relationships between collections, for example to relate an Author to an Article.

In use, collections can be displayed in just the same way as basic content regions, but there are a few key differences.

Differences between Collections and Regions

  1. Regions are tied to a page or (for shared regions) to every page. Collections are not tied to any page.
  2. Version revisioning on collections is per item, whereas regions are versioned per region
  3. A link to manage a collection can be added to any number of your control panel pages, and to the sidebar where needed

Managing a collection from a page

Adding a link to edit a collection from a page particular page in the control panel enables you to provide a logical editing experience for your client. You might have a collection of news articles, and also a News page that displays them. Make life easy for your client by linking the collection from the News page, which is where they’d probably expect to find it.

  1. Create a collection from the Collections section under Pages
  2. Find your page and go to the Page Options
  3. You should see your collection listed in the Collections section. Check the box to add it to this page, and save.

When you go to edit the page, the collection should now be listed with the page’s regions. Clicking on it jumps you through to the collection edit page.

Adding a collection to the sidebar

  1. Go to Settings and to the Menu Manager
  2. Select an existing menu or create a new one
  3. Create a new menu item
  4. Enter a title and choose your collection from the “Link to Collection” list, and save.

Your collection will now appear in the choosen point in the sidebar menu.

Importing from a Region to a Collection

When moving from a Perch site to Runway, or if restructuring a site because it’s grown in ways you didn’t expect, it can be useful to import one or more regions into a collection.

To do this, the structure of the region(s) and the collection must be compatible - their templates need to include the same IDs and types.

  1. Create your new collection
  2. In the collection, go to the Import tab
  3. Select the page the region is on, click next
  4. Select the region, click next
  5. You’ll be asked to confirm your choices, click Import

Importing other data into a collection

If you need to import external data into a collection, that’s possible too. To give the most flexibility, this is done by writing a script to import the data using an import API. You can read about importing into a collection in the API docs.

Displaying content from collection

Content is displayed using the perch_collection() page function, which works in the same way as perch_content_custom().

perch_collection('Articles', [
    'count' => 3,
    'sort'  => '_date', 
    'sort-order' => 'DESC',

perch_collection options

Option Value
template The name of a template to use to display the content.
sort The ID of the field to sort on.
sort-order Either ASC (ascending), DESC (descending) or RAND (random).
sort-type Either alpha or numeric. Default is alpha.
count The number of items to display.
start The item number to start displaying from.
filter The ID of a field to filter the results by.
match Used with filter, see the below table for values
value Used with filter and match. The value to match. For between and in, takes a comma delimited string. For regex takes PCRE regular expression.
category Filter by one or more categories. See Category filtering
category-match Either any or all. See Category filtering
skip-template True or false. Bypass template processing and return the content in an associative array.
return-html True or false. For use with skip-template. Adds the HTML onto the end of the returned array with key html.
split-items True or false. Return an array of individually templated items.
raw True or false. Returns unprocessed content, for use alongside skip-template.
paginate True or false. Whether to use pagination.
count Integer. (When used with paginate) The number of items to show per page if pagination is being used.
pagination-var The URL query string parameter name to use for the page number. Defaults to page.
page-links True or false. Create numbered page links as well as previous and next links.
page-link-template The template to use (if not the default) to generate the page links.
page-link-style shortened or all. By default a shortened set of page links are generated. If you want a link for every page, set to all.

Possible values for match

Value Aliases Description
eq is, exact equal to
neq not, !eq not equal to
gt greater than
gte greater than or equal to
lt less than
lte less than or equal to
contains the value exists within the content (a simple search)
!contains opposite of contains: the value does not exist within the content
regex regexp using a PCRE regular expression
between match between two values
!between opposite of between
eqbetween match between two values inclusively
!eqbetween opposite of eqbetween
in within match within a comma delimited content list (like a list of tags)
!in !within opposite of in