Authentication plugins

When you need to manage your user accounts in an external system, authentication plugins enable you to do just that.

How to use

An authentication plugin is a class that implements key methods such as log_user_in and log_user_out. It extends the PerchAPI_AuthPlugin class, and should be created in the addons/plugins/auth folder:


In your perch/config.php file, set:

define('PERCH_AUTH_PLUGIN', 'my_system');

The plugin class

At a minimum, the plugin class should implement the log_user_in, log_user_out and resume_session methods.

Both log_user_in and resume_session should return an array with the user’s email address (as an identifier) and the slug of the Perch user role that the user should be assigned.

class my_system_auth_plugin extends PerchAPI_AuthPlugin
    public function log_user_in($username, $password)
        //make request to check username and password
        return [
            'email' => '',
            'role'  => 'admin',

    public function resume_session()
        //make request to check username and password
        return [
            'email' => '',
            'role'  => 'admin',

    public function log_user_out()
        return true;