
By default, Perch creates a region automatically when it is first used. It can then be configured from within the web interface to pick a template and set its options. This is the primary way to work with Perch regions.

In some circumstances, it’s also useful to be able to programmatically create a region. An example would be if you intend to always display the region using perch_content_custom(), which itself will not create regions. For this, we have perch_content_create().

<?php perch_content_create('News', array(
    'template' => 'article.html',
    'multiple' => true,
    'edit-mode' => 'listdetail',
    'sort' => 'date',
    'sort-order' => 'DESC',

If a region doesn’t yet exist, perch_content_create() will create it, and configure it with the options provided. If it does exist, it does nothing.

For this reason, you must create the region before it is used on the page. Practically, that means putting your perch_content_create() statements at the top of the page. Directly after the Perch runtime include would be a good place.

perch_content_create options

Name Value
page The path of the page to create the region on. Leave unset for the current page (most likely case).
template The name of content template file, e.g. article.html
multiple true or false. Whether the region takes multiple items.
sort The ID of a template field to sort the region on.
sort-order ASC or DESC - the direction of the sort.
edit-mode singlepage or listdetail. The edit mode to use for the region.
searchable true or false. Whether the region appears in search results.
search-url The URL to use when linking to the item from a search result page.
add-to-top true or false. Whether new items should be added to the top of the region (defaults to false - new items are added to the bottom).
limit Integer. The number of items to display when the region is output.
shared true or false. Whether the region is shared across all pages.
title-delimiter String use to delimit multiple content items when concatenating the default title for an item.
columns Comma separated list of template field IDs to use for the columns on the listing page when editing in listdetail mode.
roles Comma separated IDs of user roles with permission to edit the region. (Advanced use.)