
Get a list of albums, optionally with an image to represent each with the perch_gallery_albums() function.



Type Description
Array Options array, see table below
Boolean Set to true to have the value returned instead of echoed.

Options array

Name Value
template The name of a template to use from the templates/gallery folder
skip-template true or false. Return a PHP array instead of using the template

Usage examples

Get a listing of albums. This uses the example a_album.html template by default.

<?php perch_gallery_albums(); ?>

You’ll probably want to specify your own template, which you can do by setting options.

<?php perch_gallery_albums(array(
    'template' => 'album.html',
    'image' => true,
)); ?>

Pass a second argument of true to return, rather than echo the result.

$albums = perch_gallery_albums(array(
    'template' => 'album.html',
    'image' => true,
), true);

To show a list of albums with an image for each, you could use the code:

<?php perch_gallery_albums(array(
    'template' => 'my-album.html',
    'image' => true,
)); ?>

The template perch/templates/gallery/my-album.html might look like this:

    <a href="album.php?album=<perch:gallery id="albumSlug">">
        <img src="<perch:gallery id="small">">
        <perch:gallery id="albumTitle">

This would output a list of albums, along with the album title and the ‘small’ image from the first image in each album.