
This page lists the tags available to you when creating a Brand template.

Default templates

As with all Perch Add-ons, Shop comes with some default templates. Before editing any templates, please see the notes on editing templates to make sure your changes are safe when you next update the app.

Purpose Template
Brand detail (master template) brands/brand.html
Listing brands/list.html

Creating your own templates

You can either edit the default brand.html or create your own. See page functions for how to include a different template.

Brands are namespaced with perch:shop so any template tags used should use this namespace.

Cart template tags

The following variables are exposed as tags. As an example if you want to display the brand name you would use the tag:

<perch:shop id="title" type="text">
Tag Description
title The name of the brand
slug The URL-safe slug version of title
description A description of the brand
image An image representing the brand