
Perch uses the factory pattern, a common design pattern for building object-oriented software. When you create an object using the PerchAPI_Factory class, the resulting object is a PerchAPI_Base object.

class Articles extends PerchAPI_Factory { }
class Article extends PerchAPI_Base { }

Naming convention

Try to keep your classes namespaced by prefixing your (company) name and app name. So if your company is called Company and your app is called App, you would use CompanyApp_Article:

class CompanyApp_Articles extends PerchAPI_Factory { }
class CompanyApp_Article extends PerchAPI_Base { }


Property Description Default
table The database table where the data of the objects created by the factory class is stored
pk The primary key for the database table
index_table The index database table
modified_date_column The last modified date column false


class CompanyApp_Article extends PerchAPI_Base {
    protected $table = 'company_app_articles';
    protected $pk = '_id';
    protected $modified_date_column = 'updated';

We use the PerchAPI_Factory class to create a PerchAPI_Base object. See create().