
The to_array() method gets the item’s data in an associative array. The method also JSON decodes the value of the dynamic fields column (if one exists) and includes the values in the returned array.

If the PerchAPI_Base object’s property prefix_vars is set to true, the method also includes a duplicate for each dynamic field with a key prefixed with perch_. This is useful for control panel edit forms that are handled with PerchAPI_Form.




$API = new PerchAPI(1.0, 'company_app');
$Articles = new CompanyApp_Articles($API);

$Template   = $API->get('Template');
$Template->set('path/to/template.html', 'namespace');

$Article = $Articles->find(37);

if( is_object($Article) ) {
    // $Article is a PerchAPI_Base object
    $details = $Article->to_array();