
Return latest tweets from a Twitter account or multiple accounts with perch_twitter_get_latest().



Type Description
Array Options array, see table below
Boolean Set to true to have the value returned instead of echoed.

Options array

Name Value
twitter_id The Twitter account username
type Set to either ‘favorites’ or ‘mine’ default is ‘mine’
count The number of Tweets to return
exclude_replies Setting this to 1 will exclude any @replies from the returned tweets, default 0
template A template to overwrite the default. This should be stored in perch/templates/twitter.

Usage examples

Get tweets from all accounts using the default templates.

<?php perch_twitter_get_latest(); ?>

Get 1 tweet from the account grabaperch, of type favorites excluding replies.


Get 3 tweets from the account grabaperch, of type favorites excluding replies, assign the result to a variable $tweets.

<?php $tweets = perch_twitter_get_latest(array(
),true); ?>