
Gateway slug: braintree

These are instructions for Braintree token-based payment using the Drop-in Payment UI route.


In your perch/config/shop.php file, add your settings for Braintree.

  return [
    'gateways' => [
      'braintree' => [
        'enabled'   => true,
        'test_mode' => true,
        'live' => [
          'merchantId'  => 'abc123',
          'publicKey'   => 'def456',
          'privateKey'  => 'efghijklmnop987654321',
        'test' => [
          'merchantId'  => 'abc123',
          'publicKey'   => 'def456',
          'privateKey'  => 'efghijklmnop987654321',

Payment flow

The process for Braintree involves adding the Braintree JavaScript to the page in a step before calling perch_shop_checkout(). This enables you to collect the Braintree payment token and pass it as the option for payment.

if (perch_member_logged_in() && perch_post('payment_method_nonce')) {

  // your 'success' return URL
  $return_url = '';

  perch_shop_checkout('braintree', [
    'return_url' => $return_url,
    'token'      => perch_post('payment_method_nonce')

And then collect the token on the page with braintree.js:


When the form is posted back to the same page, the token will be set and so the checkout process will kick in.