Displaying a section of a template only if content has been entered

How do I only show a section of a template if content has been entered?

If parts of your template are not required you may need to exclude some HTML output.

You can use the perch:if tag to check to see if content has been entered. In the below example I am using perch:if to test to see if an image has been uploaded. I only display the mark-up for the figure if one has.

     <perch:if exists="figure">
         <img src="<perch:content id="figure" type="image" label="Upload a figure" width="640" height="480">" alt="<perch:content id="alt" type="text" label="Alt text">">

             <figcaption><perch:content id="caption" type="text" label="Figure caption"></figcaption>

Second Example

A second optimization can be made by adding a nested if statement. In this example, mark-up for figcaption only displays if there is a caption.

        <perch:if exists="figure">
                 <img src="<perch:content id="figure" type="image" label="Upload a figure" width="640" height="480">" alt="<perch:content id="alt" type="text" label="Alt text">">
              <perch:if exists="caption">
              <figcaption><perch:content id="caption" type="text" label="Figure caption"></figcaption>