
Perch is very flexible in how you build your pages. You don’t need to create themes, you can just drop regions into the page to add editable content.

On many sites, it’s useful to have common page elements like headers, footers and sidebars that don’t change between pages. To make those easy to manage, Perch has layouts.

<?php include('perch/runtime.php'); ?>
<?php perch_layout('global.header'); ?>
<h1>Welcome to my website!</h1>
<?php perch_layout('global.footer'); ?>

If you’re familiar with PHP includes, layouts do pretty much the same thing but in a more structured way, and with some handy extra features.

Layout files live in perch/templates/layouts. They are PHP files, and should end with a .php file extension. Think of them like a reusable slice of a page – they can include anything you’d normally have in a page; HTML, PHP and Perch regions and function calls.

Layouts can also be included from within templates.


Place your layout files in perch/templates/layouts. There are two different ways you can choose to name your files. For simple sites without lots of different layouts, we’d recommend layout.fragment.php, for example, for a header in your ‘global’ layout:


The footer would be global.footer.php and a sidebar might be global.sidebar.php.

If you had a different structure for your homepage, for example, you could name those home.header.php and home.footer.php.

Grouping layouts in subfolders

For larger sites with lots of different layouts, you can also use subfolders.


These would then be loaded into your page using a slash, like a file path:

<?php perch_layout('global/header'); ?>

Grouping layouts into subfolders helps keep them organized.

Why use Layouts instead of PHP Includes

As Perch manages layouts we can add some extra functionality not available if you use PHP includes to include parts of your pages.