Events App


The Perch Events App uses the namespace perch:events.

Master templates

Template Used for
event.html An event
category.html An event category

Default templates

Template Used for
calendar/calendar.html Calendar grid: The encapsulating grid structure and navigation
calendar/blank-day.html Calendar grid: an empty day cell with no events
calendar/event-day.html Calendar grid: a day cell with events
listing/calendar.html Calendar listing: The encapsulating list structure and navigation
listing/blank-day.html Calendar listing: an empty day with no events (not shown by default)
listing/event-day.html Calendar listing: a day with events

Template IDs

The different types of templates have different fields supplied with them. These can typically be customised, with new fields easily added to the appropriate master template. By default, the following IDs are specified in the default templates supplied with the add-on.

Event templates

Value Description
eventTitle The title of the event
eventSlug A URL-safe slug for the event
eventDateTime The date and time at which the event occurs
eventDescHTML The HTML description of the event
category_names A string of category names applied to the event
category_slugs A string of category slugs applied to the event
eventURL The URL of the event detail page (based on the path in Settings)

Calendar grids

The above event IDs should be available, along with:

Value Description
header The grid heading columns
body The grid body cells
selected_month The month the calendar is showing events for
prev_month The month previous to the one being displayed
next_month The month following the one being displayed
current_month The current month right now as the calendar is being viewed
day Inside a day cell: the day

Editing templates

The default templates are stored inside the perch_events/templates folder however you should not edit these directly.

To modify templates copy the templates from /perch/addons/apps/perch_events/templates/events to /perch/templates/events and then make your changes.

If a template has the same name in this folder as the template in the perch_events folder it will be used rather than the default. You can also create your own templates with any name you like and pass in the name of the template in the function’s options array.

Adding fields to use in other templates

By default any field you add to the event.html template will appear on the page. If you just want to add a field so that it appears in admin and may be used by another template then add the variable suppress to the field. It will then appear in admin to be completed by the user but not display when event.html is used.