Field Types

Field types are literally the types of field that can be added to an edit form within the Perch control panel. The text, date and image types are all examples of this. Field types either provide a different set of input fields, a unique way of processing that input, or sometimes both.

Perch ships with a wide range of default field types, but more can be created and implemented as add-ons. (If you’re thinking about building your own field type, check out the API.) Some of those field types are build as first-party add-ons, and are documented here.

Installing a field type

Adding a field type to Perch is very easy. Field types live in the perch/addons/fieldtypes folder. When you download a field type, it will be in a folder. Place that folder into perch/addons/fieldtypes.

Each individual field type may then have further steps needed to configure it, so you should follow the field type’s dedicated instructions too.